March 2024

Forbes Womens Week Antolini Loretta Lazzarini CSI International Real Estate

Excellence in Real Estate thanks to Forbes

Loretta Lazzarini, was invited by Forbes to participate in one of the Women's Week evenings at the Stoneroom Antolini in Milan. "It was a very interesting evening," commented Loretta Lazzarini, CEO & Founder of CSI International Real Estate, "of comparison and networking among Italian female excellence. It was an opportunity for me to learn more and more for my clients and to give them an even...


CSI International Real Estate: major real estate sales in the world

Internationalisation and networking, these were the key concepts behind CSI International Real Estate, the conference on major real estate sales in the world organised on Friday 19 May by Centro Servizi Immobiliari in Lecco at the Palazzo delle Paure Museum and online on Zoom. A unique opportunity for real estate professionals and expert consultants to meet, which was attended by no less than 70 investors...

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